June 26, 2009

Rokkan Family | Portraits

Talk about a wild bunch! This was by far the largest family session I've done, close to forty people! Yaohza! We were worried about the weather; first report no rain then changed to possible showers, then back to sunshine! We lucked out, a bit chilly when we started, but it turned into a beautiful day.
Seriously, though I couldn't of had more fun, each person had their own flare, and grandma and grandpa were so clever and witty. All the kids were so cooperative, even though one of the little ones kept getting a bloody nose - you'd never know it! As most big families know it's quite an ordeal to get everyone in one spot at one time, what a excellent group to work with!
Here's just a few of my favs from this session.

June 9, 2009

New Boutique Packaging!

oh la la... simply divine & just a little bit funky!  

I have been contemplating boutique packaging for some time and I am trying to see how clients respond the lusciousness! :)  Haven't decided if this will be the version I am going with, will change it up according to quality, looks, and how it suits the products.

June 5, 2009

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Lily | Portraits

Oh my goodness... Lily is sooooo adorable. This seventeen-month old kept me on my toes and running around after her. The expressions on her face were a photographers dream.  Our session was on the Tacoma Waterfront and boy oh boy she was curious about EVERYTHING! Dogs, people, grass, flowers, rocks, water, you name it she was just so intrigued by it.  Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa were all there and make silly faces at her and try to capture her attention just for a split second.

Thank  you Lily, what a fabulous session, I cannot wait to photograph you again! It was so hard to choose a few of my favs, but here the ones I managed to choose.

June 2, 2009

Niki + Olivia + Isabella | Portraits

Mommy & Daughter portraits for  Father's Day. These beautiful girls were so sweet & a pleasure to photograph.  We rolled around in the grass, hid behind trees, & even got in the water! These faces are sure to make Dad smile!  Thanks girls for a wonderful photo session. Here are a few of my favorites!